The Ultimate Downsize

Officially full-time in the RV

The day has finally arrived and we no longer have a brick and mortar house. Our only home is now our beautiful RV and our address is the open road.

Saying goodbye to the house

It has been a little crazy and hectic getting to this point (we have a crazy story about the home sale journey that we will share in another post soon). As soon as we decided to sell the house, we also started making decisions on what possessions to keep and what to part with. Over the course of the couple years it took to sell, many trips were made to a storage unit we rented in FL (and a couple extra stops in Walt Disney World).

Brenda & Steve at the storage unit

All the furniture and other odds and ends we weren’t keeping we sold through an estate sale company. What a crazy day when all these strangers show up to claim all our possessions. It was very odd to still be in the house without much furniture. Thankfully the new home owner bought a few key pieces of furniture so the house wasn’t completely empty.

Where’s all the furniture

Even with everything being sold or taken to storage, we still seem to have a good bit to go in the RV. The jeep was packed full when we left our house for the last time.

Packed Jeep

For now we are still in PA as it is Penn State football season. Come November we will be heading south to start our new adventure.

Current home in the Seven Mountains


Big Training Hike


Training Again