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12-Hour walk

Recently I did something different, I went for a 12-hour walk. The idea came from an audio-book Steve recommended, the 12-Hour Walk by Colin O’Brady. Basically, you unplug and walk for 12-hours, spending the day with yourself in silence. It’s a great way to soul search and reflect on your life.

Steve and I did our walks on the same day, but separately. I left the house at 6 am and headed toward a nearby park, North Park. My very first revelation of the day was the realization that North Park isn’t as close to my house as I thought. It took me about 2 hours to walk vs the usual 10-15 minute drive. Which was totally fine as I had 12 hours to walk.

heading to the park

Upon reaching North Park, I started out walking on the many roads that cross through the park. After about 3 hours, I decided to head into the woods and hike the many trails. I spent most of the rest of the day on the trails only switching back to the roads when it was time to head home.

one of many trails

one of many deer I saw

It was a beautiful day. I enjoyed being outdoors, watching the sunrise, and listening to the birds sing. I saw lots of beautiful flowers, colorful birds, and wildlife including a doe with two fawns. I also found many lost items on the trails like hats and glasses. The best discoveries were old buildings and a bathtub with a spring flowing into it complete with rubber ducks.

bathtub in woods

remains stone building

The 12 hour walk was an amazing wonderful experience. I came home feeling rejuvenated and grateful for everything in life. I highly recommend you unplug and go outdoors alone on your own 12-hour walk.

Yikes - a snake on the way home